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ILRI@40 Regional Events

all ILRI locations

Leads: Regional Reps

Where Focal Point Event Date Comments
India Purvi Mehta Agriculture Summit of India 27-29 September 2014 Have ILRI@40 Session during the event
Tanzania Amos Omore Dairy Development Forum TBC (~ End September 2014)
Vietnam Lucy Lapar, Hung Nguyen, Delia Grace (maybe) European – Southeast-Asian Experts Workshop on One Health: From OH Theory to Reality: Practical challenges, impact of OH initiatives and gaps in research 15 October 2014 organized by CIRAD with ILRI as co-organizer.
discussing with the organisation to insert a slot of ILRI@40 on the 15th but I don’t expect 2-3 hours but rather a short presentation at the plenary (maybe integrated in a ILRI keynote at the workshop, probably by Delia – to be confirmed) and might combine with a coffee break.
Zimbabwe Godfrey Manyawu & Boni Moyo TBC but around 15 October
Burkina Faso Abdou Fall
Nigeria Iheanacho Okike
Uganda Danilo Pezo
China Xianglin Li
Mozambique Saskia Hendrix TBC TBC

Regional Events Suggested Timed Agenda File:Regional timed agenda XXOct14 organizers.docx

Who Status
Plan for ILRI round the world Peter, Susan, Shirley to suggest ideas and involve regional teams 16 October ‘the sun never sets on livestock’ – series of events at ILRI offices around the World. Regional VIPS/alumni could be invited. Peter, Susan, Shirley: more concrete ideas and steps for next meeting.
RED THREAD – overall theme; family farming, and three issues/is…etc….